Frequently Asked Questions

Here are our most frequently asked questions from new clients.

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What is a personal training studio gym?

Our clients are in the gym at scheduled times, working (1:1 or 1:2) with their dedicated personal trainer. We do not offer independent workout time/space. Client programs are customized for the individual client, and our trainers coach and guide you through every step of your workout. We work to meet your goals, needs, and fitness level, both now and over time.

What does personal training cost?

Personal trainers take specific training, undertake continuing learning and carry individual liability insurance. The hourly rate for personal training varies between $60-110. in Toronto, depending on the trainer's training, skill, experience and specialization. Our rates are reasonable and within this range. We offer in-person and online training. We can also program workouts to be done away from our gym if you are coming to at least one in-person session weekly.

What would my costs be for regular scheduled personal training?

The cost is variable based on the length of the workout sessions and the frequency at which you meet with your personal trainer.

Length of workout session: We offer 30, 40, or 60 minute workout sessions. For the 30 and 40 minute sessions, we prorate our hourly rate.

Frequency: The majority of our clients choose once, twice or three times weekly. (Talk to us if you want more frequent sessions).

Contact Us: at to have us calculate your exact costs based on your needs.

How does billing work?

We bill monthly and accept debit and credit card payments.

Do I have to sign a contract?

No, we do not sign contracts with training clients. We ask you to work with us on a monthly basis. It takes about 8-12 weeks to see initial results. The majority of our clients have been with us for years.

Do you have a membership fee?

While we don’t have a recurring membership fee, we do charge a one-time new client fee of $100. This fee goes directly back into enhancing the gym space and offering more services.

When are you open for training?

We have training available seven days a week. We work out your schedule with the trainer who is working with you. We start at 6 a.m. and finish at 9 p.m.