Our Policies

We are glad you have joined our gym community. We are committed to serving you and meeting your fitness and wellness needs in a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment. We strive to create a sense of community here in our gym. These policies ensure that our staff and clients are treated fairly and respectfully.

Have any questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy: Scheduled Workout Sessions

If a scheduled session is cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice and cannot be rescheduled at a mutually agreed-upon time during the same week, the total cost of the regular session will apply.

Compassionate Exceptions:

If a cancellation is made because of a severe illness or a significant personal issue, we will make every effort to work with you to find a resolution without penalty. Please talk to us confidently if there are extraordinary circumstances.

Sessions Cancelled by Highland Fitness Team Members:

If your scheduled session is cancelled because of the absence of your Highland Fitness Trainer, you will be offered a rescheduling opportunity or coverage by another team member. If we cancel and cannot provide you with a reasonable alternative, we will not charge for the session, and the client will be credited with their next payment of fees.

Package Payment Terms and Cancellation:

Clients who pay fees based on purchasing 4 or 8 sessions will be offered a rescheduling opportunity for any missed session. Missed scheduled sessions that are not rescheduled or those missed without 24 hours notice will be counted as using one of the package sessions.

Decorum Policy

  1. Respect Everyone: Treat all members, trainers, and staff respectfully. Discrimination, harassment, or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.

  2. Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive and supportive attitude towards others. Encourage fellow members and celebrate their achievements.

  3. Inclusive Language: Use language that is inclusive and respectful. Avoid any form of speech that might be considered offensive or discriminatory.

  4. Noise Levels: Keep conversations and noise levels at a considerate volume. Avoid using loud or disruptive language during workouts.

  5. Dress Code: Wear appropriate workout attire that is comfortable and non-offensive. Clean and respectful sportswear is encouraged.

Shared Space Policy

  1. Cleanliness: After use, wipe down equipment with the provided cleaning materials. This helps maintain a clean and hygienic environment for everyone.

  2. Equipment Use: Share equipment during peak times and avoid monopolizing any single piece of equipment. Allow others to work in sets if needed.

  3. Return Equipment: After use, return all weights, mats, and other equipment to their designated places. This helps keep the gym organized and accessible.

  4. Personal Items: Please keep personal items in the designated area. Do not leave bags, water bottles, or belongings on the gym floor.

  5. Personal Hygiene: Maintain good personal hygiene. Use deodorant and clean your workout clothes to help keep the gym environment pleasant for everyone.

Safety Measures

  1. Emergency Protocols: Familiarize yourself with the gym’s emergency procedures and know where to find first aid kits and emergency exits.

  2. Health Considerations: If you feel unwell, refrain from using the gym. This helps prevent the spread of illnesses and ensures a safe space for all.

Community Engagement

  1. Supportive Environment: Engage with other members positively. Offer encouragement and support, especially to those who are new or might need extra motivation.

  2. Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to trainers and staff to help improve the gym’s services. Your input is valuable and helps create a better environment for all.